Training elements

Skills-based training through simulation is based on three main training elements:


Handling complexity
Training “air traffic controller competences”

  • Understanding the nature of complexity and its impact
  • Managerial capacity (agility and skills) for handling complexity
  • Managers play an active role in creating a link between complexity and simplification
  • Managers play an active role in creating a link between organisational vision and experience.



Stress reduction
Training “soldier competences”

  • Leaders with professional and personal resilience who are able to remain calm in situations of high tension
  • Managerial ability to understand stressful situations
  • Managerial capability to act rationally and appropriately in stressful situations
  • Managerial ability to include a variety of factors in decision-making and to see opportunities in every situation



Performance dialogue
Training “theatre worker competences”

  • Ongoing, high quality dialogue between stakeholders and organisational units to ensure high performance and quality
  • Managerial ability to manage performance dialogues (structured conversations) with the organisation in order to lead and coordinate the collective performance
  • ”Top down” communication of organisational direction and objectives
  • “Bottom up” facilitation of inputs from the organisation and qualifying information and insights